Raphael Creatives

Legal and Agreement

1. Parties Involved
Identify the agency and the client involved in the agreement.
Include contact details and legal entities of both parties.

2. Scope of Work
Describe the services to be provided by the agency (e.g., graphic design, branding, web development).
Detail the deliverables, project timelines, and any specific requirements.

3. Fees and Payments
Specify the pricing structure for the services rendered.
Outline payment terms, including deposit requirements, milestones, and invoicing procedures.

4. Intellectual Property Rights
Clarify the ownership of intellectual property rights upon project completion.
Detail licensing agreements and usage rights for design materials created during the project.

5. Revisions and Alterations
Define the process for revisions and client feedback.
Specify the number of revisions included in the contract and any charges for additional revisions.

6. Confidentiality
Emphasize the confidentiality of sensitive information exchanged during the project.
Detail how client data will be handled and protected.

7. Termination Clause
Describe conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement.
Outline procedures for termination, including notice periods and any associated fees.

8. Liability and Indemnity
Limit the agency’s liability for any damages arising from the services provided.
Specify responsibilities in case of third-party claims related to the project.

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Specify the jurisdiction and laws governing the agreement.
Indicate the method for resolving disputes, such as arbitration or mediation.

10. Non-Solicitation
Include a clause prohibiting the client from soliciting agency employees during and after the project’s completion.

11. Amendments to Agreement
State that any modifications to the agreement must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties.
Provide a date for the last update or modification.

12. Signatures

Leave space for both parties to sign and date the agreement.